Logistic Competencies

It is the part of supply chain management we plan, implement, and control the efficient, effective forward, and reverse flow and storage of goods, services, and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet our customer's requirements.

Our professionals working in the field of logistics management analyze, visualize, and optimize the complexity of logistics by dedicated simulation tools and minimization of the use of resources is a common motivation in our logistics.

Export Control Management

We developed a set of procedures to train all employees engaged, either directly or indirectly, with exports specifically intended to guard against sales of sensitive or dual-use technology to unauthorized parties to ensure its transactions are viable and legal. The procedures are applied throughout the entire framework of the company, including any separate divisions and subsidiaries.

We are able to do Civil and Military products with Imports and Export management.

Internal compliance systems will address the following specific goals:

  • To develop contacts and good-standing relationships between the company and export clients.
  • To remain informed of updates to the government's export control laws and regulations.
  • To centralize export-related questions and issues.
  • To standardize procedures.
  • To provide early warning and screening of all inquiries and orders.
  • To generate coherent and complete documentation of all sensitive export transactions.
  • To undertake and monitor Transit / High Sea shipments..

Purchase & Procure world wide

Our Global sourcing team procure from the global market for goods and services across geopolitical boundaries and often aims to exploit global efficiencies in the delivery of a product or service. These efficiencies include low cost skilled labor, low cost raw material and other economic factors like tax breaks and low trade tariffs.

Associated with a centralized procurement strategy for a multinational, wherein a central buying organization seeks economies of scale through corporate-wide standardization and benchmarking. A definition focused on this aspect of global sourcing is: "proactively integrating and coordinating common items and materials, processes, designs, technologies, and suppliers across worldwide.

Strong supply chain monitoring

We build responsive supply chain a dynamic entity has ability to respond, reacting quickly to changes in customer needs is vital to our business success.

Monitoring the Supply Chain:

  • Activities enables an up-to-date view of every situation.
  • The ability to respond and react to events promptly leads to better decisions.

Managing Information:

  • Having relevant information readily available in one place.
  • Leads to make key supply chain decisions.
  • Such analysis provides better insight into what’s happening.

Gaining Better Insight:

  • Strong customize ERP solutions helps analyze large volumes of data quickly.
  • Based on past indicators or future projections, there is a complete view of the supply chain.
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